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Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK spol. s.r.o. – veľkoobchod, rybársky eshop

Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK, Delphin, FIN

Tester (FR)Nathan Goubet
Tester (RO)Bogdan Mădăras
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    Spare parts
    How to choose a spare part
    Spare parts are numbered in the form - Product name # number. The number after the # grid indicates the part of a specific spare part. Especially for rods, the smallest number #1 is the tip, and the largest is the handle. The handle will be marked as #2 for the two part rod. For three part rod the handle will be marked as #3, because #2 is the middle part. The exceptions are feeder rods, where the tip is not the spare part itself, and the mark #1 represents the uppermost part of the blank itself - the part where the feeder tips are inserted.

    Landing net Delphin SYMBOL LITE

    A carp landing net for an affordable price that allows to comfortably land your biggest catch. This product in a perfect marriage of great price and quality and the same goes for the whole SYMBOL series.

    The landing net mesh in an unusual brown colour is small and gentle to the fish, whether you are landing them or transporting them to your mat. This way, each catch will be safe and unharmed. A great advantage of this landing net is a floating element attached to the head and handle connection. You don’t need to buy an additional float and the landing of the fish will be easier even when you’re on your own. Plus, the landing net is very lightweight for better manipulation.

    The two-piece 1.8 m long handle is made from structured carbon that’s strong enough to land even the biggest carps. It’s covered in a nonslip rubber material for better manipulation in any situation.

    The landing net head can be attached to the Y-shaped metal connector. Thanks to the material used, it’s very durable against mechanical damage. In addition, is features a nice Delphin logo.

    Technical information:

    Handle material: carbon fibres
    Total handle length: 183 cm
    Transport length: 117 cm
    Handle weight: 280 g
    Landing net head weight: 476g

    Ordering nr. Product, size Retail price In stock
    101004525 Landing net Delphin SYMBOL LITE
    90x90/1.8m/2 parts
    47.95 € In stock from
    28th February 2025
    101004526 Landing net Delphin SYMBOL LITE
    100x100/1.8m/2 parts
    49.95 € In stock from
    28th February 2025
    MOSS.SK, s.r.o.,
    M.R.Štefánika 297/11,
    050 01 Revúca, Slovakia,
    www.delphin.sk, info@moss.sk

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