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Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK spol. s.r.o. – veľkoobchod, rybársky eshop

Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK, Delphin, FIN

Tester (PL)Hubert Samojlik
Tester (PL)Damian Żurawski
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    Spare parts
    How to choose a spare part
    Spare parts are numbered in the form - Product name # number. The number after the # grid indicates the part of a specific spare part. Especially for rods, the smallest number #1 is the tip, and the largest is the handle. The handle will be marked as #2 for the two part rod. For three part rod the handle will be marked as #3, because #2 is the middle part. The exceptions are feeder rods, where the tip is not the spare part itself, and the mark #1 represents the uppermost part of the blank itself - the part where the feeder tips are inserted.

    Delphin TROUTERA SoftLURE

    As the name suggests, TROUTERA SoftLURE is a specially designed rod for trout fishing with soft artificial lures. The elaborated design and excellent qualities ensure that this rod will become an indispensable part of every true trout fishing angler.

    The blank is made from 24T carbon, it’s very sensitive, slim, lightweight, and it’ll allow you long distance casting with the smallest lures. The rod has a sensitive solid tip to detect even the faintest nibble of a careful trout. With the parabolic action of the rod, you can efficiently reel in the fish even with very thin lines and hooks. Single foot SiC guides on TROUTERA SoftLURE ensure the line or the braided line glides smoothly. The wrapping and the guides are black, and they match the overall design of the rod very well.

    The wooden reel seat with a cork handle is an impressive design element. The materials are of great quality, and they are treated to resist the elements. The handle and the reel seat are designed to be comfortable even after hours of fishing. It’s short to improve the manipulation when you lead the lure, hook the fish, or when you fight the fish.

    Delphin TROUTERA SoftLURE has a very elegant design. The dark blank, the cork handle, the wooden reel seat, and the elements of golden with pink are inspired by the colours of a rainbow trout. The combination of these qualities creates an original, efficient, and elegant spin fishing rod that will surprise even seasoned anglers with its price/quality ratio.

    Technical information:

    Model: 180 cm 0.5 – 6 g
    Number of parts: 2
    Blank diameter above the handle: 7.10 mm
    Number of guides: 8
    Transport size: 94.5 cm
    Weight: 82 g
    Handle: cork, wood imitation
    Handle length (from the bottom part of the rod to the reel seat centre): 18.5 cm

    Model: 210 cm 1 – 7 g
    Number of parts: 2
    Blank diameter above the handle: 8 mm
    Number of guides: 9
    Transport size: 109.5 cm
    Weight: 88 g
    Handle: cork, wood imitation
    Handle length (from the bottom part of the rod to the reel seat centre): 21.5 cm

    Ordering nr. Product, size Retail price In stock
    101005781 Delphin TROUTERA SoftLURE
    180cm/0.5-6g/2 parts
    37.95 €
    101005782 Delphin TROUTERA SoftLURE
    210cm/1-7g/2 parts
    39.95 €
    MOSS.SK, s.r.o.,
    M.R.Štefánika 297/11,
    050 01 Revúca, Slovakia,
    www.delphin.sk, info@moss.sk

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