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Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK spol. s.r.o. – veľkoobchod, rybársky eshop

Veľkosklad rybárske potreby MOSS.SK, Delphin, FIN

Tester (FR)Nathan Goubet
Tester (RO)Bogdan Mădăras
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    Spare parts
    How to choose a spare part
    Spare parts are numbered in the form - Product name # number. The number after the # grid indicates the part of a specific spare part. Especially for rods, the smallest number #1 is the tip, and the largest is the handle. The handle will be marked as #2 for the two part rod. For three part rod the handle will be marked as #3, because #2 is the middle part. The exceptions are feeder rods, where the tip is not the spare part itself, and the mark #1 represents the uppermost part of the blank itself - the part where the feeder tips are inserted.

    Digital scale Delphin ULTRA

    A great scale with a high quality make will attract by its uniqueness and it is easy to use. The whole system is ingeniously placed in the handle which is ergonomic and easy to hold even with a heavy fish. In addition the handle is extraordinary strong and you can use it to weight fish of up to 50kg with the accuracy of 10g. It has function TARE, LED display and you can select your preferred weighting units (g, kg, lbs, oz).
    The scale switches on by pressing ON/OFF button and it is ready to weight in just 3 seconds. Short press of UNIT button you can select the weighting units which are displayed in the right part of the display. You can change units even after locking the weight. In case of using function TARE you can place a weighting bag on the scale, then press TARE and the scale will be set to zero which means that after placing fish into bag you will get an accurate weight of fish itself. To use function TARE you only press TARE button and it will be shown at the top of the display. The scale can be switched off by ON/OFF button.

    Technical parametres:
    Height (scale body): 8cm
    Height (with hook): 15,5cm
    Width: 12cm
    Scale capacity: 50kg
    Weight: 120g
    Power supply: 2x AAA bateries (included in package for free!)

    Ordering nr. Product, size Retail price In stock
    921000025 Digital scale Delphin ULTRA
    up to 50kg
    12.99 €
    MOSS.SK, s.r.o.,
    M.R.Štefánika 297/11,
    050 01 Revúca, Slovakia,
    www.delphin.sk, info@moss.sk

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